Monday, June 27, 2011

La Serena

La Serena is the most beautiful place in the world! We left for Friday morning at 8am, and after the 6 hour bus ride, we arrived in what I think must be the prettiest place in the universe. We grabbed a late lunch at a local restaurant where we were serenaded by a harpist, and then we returned to our hotel just in time to go watch the most beautiful sunset on the beach. La Serena is 6 hours north of Vina del Mar, so the weather is a bit warmer, which we all are appreciating! After exploring a bit, we all came back to the resort where we are staying to have a bonfire, where our professor and his wife cooked us salchicas (sausages) and papas (potatoes) on the grill.
The next morning we were on the bus at 8 for a tour of the old port city of La Serena. It is really small, and reminded me of a much older version of Myrtle Beach. It is the middle of winter now, but we hear that in the summer it is the number one destination of Chileans that want to go to the beach.
After the tour we got back on the bus and drove 2 hours to La Valle Elqui, the valley that lies between the costal mountain range and the Andes Mountains. It was the clearest day, and we could see beautiful mountains for miles. We drove to the top of a dam and got out, and it honestly was the best view in the world. There is nothing like standing in the middle of a valley with a lake beneath you and the Andes Mountains above you to make you feel small. I felt like I was in the middle of a Harry Potter movie, because I could almost imagine the Hogwarts castle in the distance amongst the hills, lake, and forest.
After we took some pictures, we stopped for ice cream from a local vendor. I got a combination of dulce de leche (a common caramel like flavor here) and lucuma (a fruit famous in this region). It was deliciousss. Then we got on the bus and drove a half hour to a pisqueria (a pisco factory – pisco is a famous drink that originated here in Chile – although the Peruvians will argue with you on that).
Pisco is made of wine and lots of other delicious things, but tastes more like liquor. We saw the vines, the distillation process, and then got to try a few different flavors – Mango was the group favorite. Outside the pisqueria there were lots of artisans selling goods, and we got to taste miel de copao (honey made from copao trees – they look like giant pineapples). It was a little too sweet for my taste, but interesting nonetheless!
After drinking lots of pisco, we piled on the bus and headed for lunch. The restaurant where we had lunch was really tiny and built into the side of a mountain! The restaurant used several solar ovens to cook our food, which was really cool, and I tried homemade strawberry fruit juice.
After lunch we drove to see the Gabriela Mistral museum (Gabriela Mistral is another famous Chilean writer) but it was closed so we walked around the area and explored a bit. After we grabbed dinner, and then headed for a 2-hour drive to the observatory! To get to the observatory we had to switch busses, as our tour bus was too big to make it up the mountain. We split up into vans and made the ½ hour trip up the mountain, but it was worth it, because when we got to the top we could see stars for miles.
I have never seen so many stars so bright in my life. The Milky Way was clear and visible, and the observatory guide showed us how to find the constellations, as most of us were not familiar with the constellations in the southern hemisphere. After finding the Southern Cross, Saturn, and libra, my birth constellation, we layed on the roof of the observatory and watched the shooting stars. We left the observatory at midnight, and didn’t get home until 1:30am, but seeing all those stars was truly an unforgettable experience. That day topped my list as one of the best days of my life because I got to see and experience so many new things.
            Today, we got up early and headed out for the beach. We went to Punta de Choros two hours away to take a boat ride around la Isla de Damas a few miles off-shore. I was nervous getting on the boat as I am not a huge fan of the ocean, but I sucked it up and went anyways.
However, I quickly regretted my decision as a mere 10 minutes into the boat ride (on a rickety old wooden motor boat might I add) I began to get violently seasick. As we were stuck on the boat for another 3 hours there was nothing I could do but try to feel better and try to enjoy the view, but I wasn’t able to take pictures as I was feeling green and didn’t want my camera to get wet.  
We saw several delfines (dolphins), penguinos (penguins), gatos del mar (sea otters), and pelicans, so it was kind of cool. The dolphins swam right up to the edge of the boat and some people even touched them!
We were finally let off on an island after 3 hours on the boat, and some people took a tour of the island, while I opted for a nice cup of hot tea inside to warm up and feel better. When we finally returned to land, myself and the 4 other girls who suffered from seasickness were really glad to be back, although us and all of our stuff were soaked with seawater!
Apparently the Pacific Ocean is really salty, because the skin on our faces was coated with salt after we were done! After that we grabbed lunch, and then drove 3 hours back to our hotel before grabbing dinner. Tomorrow we can sleep in until 11am (yay!!) before we get up to head back to Vina at 1130. It’s a six-hour ride home, but we will all have lots to do as we all have lots of papers and projects due this week! However, I am hoping I finish my work in time to enjoy my last week in this beautiful country that has become my home. That’s all I have for now,
Viva La Chile!

Julia Marie

I apologize in advance for the number of pictures that accompany this post, but this place was too beautiful for words!

Me on the beach before the boat tour of Punta de Choros

Sunset on the beach at La Serena

Grounds of the Capel Pisco factory

La Valle de Elqui

On the balcony of our condos in La Serena

The grape vines used to make Capel Pisco!

Soaking up the winter sun before our tour of the Capel plant!

La Valle de Elqui

La Serena sunset

Dolphins on the Punta de Choros boat tour!

Jenn and I on the boat before I got sick!

Punta de Choros

On the road to La Serena - you can see where the name comes from!

The infamous boats

La Valle de Elqui

The beautiful Chilean countryside

La Valle de Elqui

La Valle de Elqui

The Chilean countryside, too beautiful for words

Punta de Choros, Isla de Damas

La Serena sunset

On the road to La Serena

On the road to La Serena

Los Gatos or Leones del Mar (Sea Otters/Sea Lions)

La Valle de Elqui

La Serena beach - there were so many beautiful shells!

The most beautiful sunset I have ever seen

La Valle de Elqui

The shore of the La Serena beach, with the Cordillera mountains in the background!

A pelican on the Isla de Damas tour

I cant get enough of this sunset!

The girls and I before the boat tour left

Honey of the Copao, so delicious!

Ahhh, pisco :)

La Valle de Elqui

Beautiful grounds of the Capel Pisco plant

On the road to La Valle de Elqui

Chilean countryside

Snowcapped mountains peaking over the top of the valley!

Panoramic view of Isla de Damas

Me taking a picture of the Valle de Elqui

The Valley

The sunset, one last time!

Chilean countryside

Snowcapped mountains

Snowcapped mountains with the dam below!

The Punta de Choros beach

El Valle de Elqui

The Valle again

Los lobos del mar

Me looking out onto the valley below

Punta de Choros beach, so many shells!

Center of the small antiquated beach town of La Serena

La Valle de Elqui

Welcome, to the most beautiful place on earth!


The beach at sunset

Entrance to the Capel Pisco factory


The Capel factory

The Observatory on the Mamalluca Hill

This picture just doesn't do the stars justice!