Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First Earthquake!

Last night there was a 4.7 level earthquake here in Chile, and it woke me up during the night! Coming from Rochester where there are never any earthquakes, it was interesting to be woken up in the middle of the night by my bed shaking! However, everyone and everything here is ok, as they are used to earthquakes of this magnitude.
Disasters keep striking here, as the volcano is continuing to erupt (and threatening to interrupt my Buenos Aires plans again this weekend!) and a water main pipe in front of my family's apartment complex burst last night, creating a geyser in front of our building! Hopefully the hot water will be restored by the time I get home, or I wont be able to take a hot shower :(
At my internship yesterday, I stayed 3 hours later than usual to watch my first news broadcast from the control room. It was really cool to see the stories the other writers and I are working on being read on the air, but as much as I am enjoying writing I know that my main interest still lies in production and post production.
A few of the students and I went shopping this past weekend in the hills of Valparaiso, and I bought an alpaca sweatshirt! All the locals have them, so now maybe I will fit in some more. My host mom is still teaching me to crochet, and I am working on making my first blanket! Ill need it, as the temperature here is dropping rapidly as winter approaches.
I went out this weekend on Saturday night with my host sister and her friends, and it was nice to be showed around the city by some locals! I am getting better at Chilean salsa dancing, but I still need lots more practice. We are hoping to take Tango lessons in Buenos Aires this weekend if we are able to go, since Tango is the national dance of Argentina.
I worked with my little host sister on her English homework last night, as she is learning the names for clothing right now! She had a quiz today, so we practiced pronouncing clothing words like "sock," "shirt," "pants," "jacket," which are all difficult sounds for people with Chilean accents to make! She is a good student though, so she was a fast learner. She even taught me some Spanish vocabulary at the same time!
I have to go get ready for class in a few hours, so...
Viva La Chile!

Julia Marie

Out shopping with a few friends in Valpo!