Sunday, August 14, 2011


My mom and I returned home safely to Rochester late on Thursday night. We had an amazing trip! The people we met and the things we did over the last few weeks were truly amazing experiences for us, as this trip was a once in a lifetime opportunity. We hope to be able to return to each city someday in the future, and hope that everyone we had the good fortune to meet will come visit us in Rochester soon!
Having the chance to travel this summer and be ambassadors for not only the ATAD program but also for Rochester, our hometown, has been an amazing experience. I have really enjoyed meeting and talking to people from the countries we visited, and gaining their perspectives on world issues.
Although I am sad that our traveling is over, it feels good to finally be home and I know now that no matter what happens, I will be able to return to those wonderful places someday since I now have friends all over the world!

So long,

Julia Marie

Me and the 1,000 year old Olive tree in the center of Palma

Spain: Last Day!

On our last day in Spain we woke up a little late and then headed out to explore the island. We first drove to a place on the far east side of the island where there are underground caves. The tours were all sold out, so we bought a ticket for later on in the afternoon and then went to a nearby beach to kill some time before grabbing lunch at Alfonso’s brother-in-law’s restaurant.
After a bite to eat and a walk on the beach we went back and spent an hour wandering around inside the massive caves. There were stalactites and stalagmites everywhere you looked, and many feet beneath us there were clear blue pools of water. It was unlike anything I had ever witnessed! When we got to the center of the cave we were pretty far under the surface, and there was a giant opening and a large river! We took a seat on the bleachers built into the side of the cave and watched as some musical performers played a concert from candle-lit boats traveling down the river. It was hard to believe that we were watching a concert on a river from a cave several feet below the earth’s surface!
After the cave, we drove across the island to the west side to see the city of Palma. We saw an old fort that was used to protect the island starting in approximately the 1300’s. Now, it is used as a museum. However, whenever the King of Spain is visiting his summerhouse on the island, the Spanish army places a guard in the watchtower of the ancient fort to watch over his house. We learned a lot of Mallorcan history at the fort, and then we moved on to another part of the city where we saw a 1,000 year old olive tree, and both the old and new cathedrals for the city of Palma. They were beautiful! Every year for Easter the King of Spain comes to the cathedral in Mallorca for mass.
After the cathedrals, we peeked inside an old fish market. They have turned it into a memorial of sorts, and currently inside is a series of upside down fishing boats on the ground illuminated with dim blue lighting. They play music that sounds like waves crashing inside the building, as a memorial and remembrance of the importance of the fishermen to the city of Palma.
After this, we drove to a nearby suburb of the city and met with one of the future exchange students, Laura, and her family. They were so nice! Laura had baked us a cheesecake, and we sat around her porch for about 2 hours talking about ATAD and her upcoming experience as an exchange student in Rochester. She had lots of good questions to ask, and seemed really excited to meet her host family! Both of the students we met spoke English very well.  After our meeting we drove back to Inca, the town where Alfonso and Magda live, to get some sleep.

Julia Marie

The inside of the fort

The tourist beach by Alfonso's brother's restaurant

Me inside the walls of the fort!

The fort

Statues inside the fort

An adorable little boy fishing by the sea!

The center of Palma de Mallorca

The fishing boat museum

Palma de Mallorca

The beach

Palma de Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca

The fort

Palma de Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca

The spiral staircase inside the fort - I chose not to climb!

The fort

The moat

The boat museum

Atop the fort in Palma

Palma de Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca

The center of Palma de Mallorca

The Palma de Mallorca Cathedral

Palma de Mallorca

A typical street in Palma de Mallorca

The beach

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Spain: Day 2

On Tuesday morning we woke up early and headed out to explore Mallorca. First we drove to a glass-making factory, where we watched two men blow glass. They made some of the most detailed and beautiful things in just a few minutes! The shop where they sold their goods was filled with some of the most beautiful glass pieces, and my mom and I each bought a glass olive oil container for our kitchens.
After that we drove along the coast through a few different towns until we reached our lunch destination. We ate lunch at a restaurant on a cliff overlooking a valley town called Soller.  The food was great, although it was a little windy so high up! After our lunch we drove through Soller, and walked around a bit before taking a 5 minute long tunnel ride underneath the mountain range to head back towards Palma.
At 5:30 we met with the future ATAD student Federico and his family. They were so nice! We could definitely tell that he and his parents were a bit nervous, but he seems like he will do just great in the U.S.
After our meeting we headed home for a quick shower, before leaving to go to a family party! Alfonso’s cousin was visiting from Barcelona, so we went to his sister’s house and met his four siblings, his nieces and nephews, and his cousin. They were all so nice and I got to practice my Spanish a bit! After dinner we were all exhausted from the long day, so we fell asleep as soon as we got home!

Julia Marie

Magda, Alfonso, and Mom in Mallorca

The glass making workshop

The Mallorcan countryside

The Mallorcan countryside

Our restaurant for lunch

Our view from lunch!

The Cathedral in Soller

Our view from lunch!

The Catedral in Soller

Our view from lunch!

The Mallorcan countryside

The Mallorcan countryside

The Mallorcan countryside

The Mallorcan countryside

The Mallorcan countryside

The Mallorcan countryside


Mom and I in Mallorca, Spain!

The Mallorcan countryside

The Mallorcan countryside

Mom and I overlooking the sea

A typical street in Soller