Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Off to Italy!

Friday morning we woke up early and headed to the airport. Suzy, Dave, and my dad’s flight left at 11am, so we got to the airport around 9pm. My mom and I didn’t leave until 2:30pm, so we sat in the airport and did computer work until it was time to get on the plane. We ran into a few problems (when we first went to check in they told my mom she didn’t have a seat on the plane!) but eventually we worked everything out and got to Caltanissetta safe and sound in the evening. We first took a flight from Istanbul to Rome, and then another short flight from Rome to Catania, Sicily.
When we got there, it took a while to find our luggage (it was on a completely different track than everyone else’s luggage!) but when we finally did we met up with the Ginevra family who were hosting us it was great. Claudio, the husband, is the liaison here in Caltanissetta for the ATAD program, and he and his wife Maria have 3 children. They drove us back to their house and fed us a wonderful Italian meal. The two boys were once exchange students in the US.
After dinner I went out and explored Caltanissetta with the boys and their friends. We went to a local bar, and then we drove to a place where you can see a view of the whole city of Caltanissetta. It was beautiful! However, I was really tired after my day of traveling, and was happy to eventually return home and crash!

Julia Marie

The view of a volcano (the tallest in Europe!) on the way to Caltanissetta

Downtown Caltanissetta

Downtown Caltanissetta

Downtown Caltanissetta