Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ephesus and Virgin Mary’s Tomb

This morning we woke up really early to drive to Ephesus, an ancient biblical city that is rumored to be the place where the Virgin Mary was laid to rest. It was really hot outside (about 110 degrees farenheight!) so we made sure we brought plenty of sunscreen, water, and cool clothes. It took a little less than two hours to get there, and although we were a little cramped in the van we passed the time looking at the beautiful views of the sea out the window. The valleys, hills, and sea that we passed along the way were truly breathtaking. I can only imagine what this place looked like thousands of years ago!
When we got to Ephesus (or Efus, as the Turkish people call it) we bought our tickets and headed inside. First we toured St. Mary’s Church, which is the ruins of a really old Church that was reconstructed a few times in the early centuries due to earthquake damage. Even though it was old and most of the original stuff had fallen apart, you could see the great detail and planning that must have gone into making it all those thousands of years ago.
After the church we got a headset and Dave listened and gave a tour of the rest of the ruins to us. We saw a giant amphitheater, a reenactment, a library, some temples, baths, and even some old houses. All were in various states of decay, but breathtakingly beautiful nonetheless. There were even several parts of the town that were still being excavated!
We eventually got so hot and tired and we finally ran out of water so we headed back to the car and drove about 20 minutes to a small town in the hills for lunch. We ate traditional Turkish food at a tiny restaurant in the tiny village, and some of us even tried Ayran, a Turkish drink made with yogurt and water. The restaurant had the most beautiful pergola above it with real grapes hanging from the ceiling!
After lunch we stopped to get my dad some ice cream from a gypsy, and the guy tricked my dad about 5 times before finally giving him the ice cream! (Dave caught it all on film!) After lunch we walked around the village for a bit and tried some different kinds of homemade wine. Strawberry wine was our favorite! We also tried a bunch of fruits and nuts that were harvested by the villagers. The peaches and plums were to die for!
After the village lunch we drove back to the bottom of the city to see the place where the Virgin Mary is said to have died. As we were driving up the mountain we had the most beautiful view of the city of Ephesus below! Mary’s resting place was nestled in the middle of one of the most lush places I have ever seen. It was so hot that day, but there were so many green trees and plants on the hill.
First we saw a big hole in the ground outlined with some bricks, which they said was the foundation for the house Mary is said to have lived in at the end of her life.
Then, we walked up a walkway with lots of literature about the place on it. The plaques explained that earlier in the 20th century a nun had a vision about this place, and described the place perfectly from her vision without ever having seen it. With help from her vision they uncovered the ruins, and they truly believe this is the place where she died.
At the top of the hill is an old church, and inside has become sort of a shrine to the Virgin Mary. People take turns going inside and saying a prayer, and then can come outside to light a candle, pray, or even tie a piece of cloth on the wall of wishes.
After the Virgin Mary’s tomb, we headed back down the mountain and since we were all really hot and tired, we drove about an hour to the coast and jumped in the water to swim! It was really warm but also really wavy, so we had fun playing in the waves and cooling off.
After that, we drove to Umur’s friends boat, which was docked nearby, and we had tea and desserts with them. It was cool to see their antique wooden boat and chat with them about Turkey. We are beginning to realize that everywhere we go, Umur knows someone!
After that we were all exhausted, so we drove home to eat a quick dinner and go to bed!

Julia Marie

In the car on the way to Ephesus

Arriving at Ephesus

Main walkway at the archaeological site

St. Mary's church (front)

St. Mary's church (back)

Dave and Mom at the baptismal font

Suzy on top of one of the walls of the church!

Julie on top of the church!

The reenactment


More ruins

Still more ruins

The family walking in the ruins

Ruins of an ancient temple

The old library

The library from a distance

The amphitheater from afar

The amphitheater again

The four sisters on the steps of the amphitheater!

The view of Ephesus from atop a nearby hill

The village we stopped in for lunch

A typical Turkish village

Walking the streets of the village - lots of shops!

More vendors

Our restaurant

The Turkish woman who made our delicious meal!

This way to Mary's house!

The foundation of Mary's home

Mary's temple

Mom and Sukran lighting a candle for Mary

Tying paper knots to send wishes to Mary

Umur's friend's boat, named Umur!

Irmak and I on the boat!

The Lull girls on the boat!

The whole Lull clan on the boat

 The view of the bay